I guess that's why you call yourself Mr.Clean ? .....It's all good !! I will tell you this much weather you think you know it or not is that your talking to swing kits and npc mods along with clip diodes from time to time because there's just to many of them out there in the first place ....with the audio set right on any of those radio and the choosen mic they will sound just fine ......I personally run a swing kit in a Cobra 25 to drive my 450 and there is a big diff as far as my wattage swing compared to 1 to 4 ratio .....now ....as far as the audio goes from either stages .....to the human ear I hear no differance as long as the audio is turned down to at least the edge of distoration (hell that goes for any tuned radio!!)......I don't use power mic's / RK-56 ......I won't denie what a scope says Mr Clean .....but as I've said time and time again .....I don't talk to machines plane and simple like,I talk to people ....but as far as only being able to talk a mile or being overly loud at close range and then totally dissapating as one got further away is a total crock of poop ......that just ain't so unless a dude is totally over modulated in the first place . Oh .....and underneath it all ...you do like swing dude !! that's why you use an amplifier (-: just depends on how you look at it. Peace and Happy holidays to you and yours from me and mines.