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Mod Kits

I guess that's why you call yourself Mr.Clean ? .....It's all good !! I will tell you this much weather you think you know it or not is that your talking to swing kits and npc mods along with clip diodes from time to time because there's just to many of them out there in the first place ....with the audio set right on any of those radio and the choosen mic they will sound just fine ......I personally run a swing kit in a Cobra 25 to drive my 450 and there is a big diff as far as my wattage swing compared to 1 to 4 ratio .....now ....as far as the audio goes from either stages .....to the human ear I hear no differance as long as the audio is turned down to at least the edge of distoration (hell that goes for any tuned radio!!)......I don't use power mic's / RK-56 ......I won't denie what a scope says Mr Clean .....but as I've said time and time again .....I don't talk to machines plane and simple like,I talk to people ....but as far as only being able to talk a mile or being overly loud at close range and then totally dissapating as one got further away is a total crock of poop ......that just ain't so unless a dude is totally over modulated in the first place . Oh .....and underneath it all ...you do like swing dude !! that's why you use an amplifier (-: just depends on how you look at it. Peace and Happy holidays to you and yours from me and mines.
Im far from an expert and you are right amps do swing and some swing is good. And maybe 2 to 1 swing to deadkey is alittle high but I would rather be off alittle with too much deadkey than the more swing is the thing I run a 2 watt deadkey swinging 75 watts kind of guy. But I don't fault others for running the way they want to. Its all about having a blast and being heard!! 3 to 1 would be fine Peace!
the big problem with the npc mod is guys want to run a power mics and turn the mic gain wide open then people say the npn sound like chit. if you ever work on a truck drivers radio most of them don't know what a mic gain is and they ask for the mod
The thing is alot of these guys buy into the kits without knowing what they are for-- they are for dropping the carrier on a radio for an amp or to bring it down a bit-- most of these guys are sacrificing too much carrier power to sound loud-- you can only get soo loud without sounding crazy distorted-- I find that once you go over 4 to 1 ratio or 3 to 1 ratio your just adjusting the limiter more-- why sacrifice carrier power for modulation that you can't even use because it sound too bad?
The trend now a days is to drop that carrier so low-- well if your not driving an amp your actually loosing power-- once you have loud modulation at 100% (or even a little over for those that do that) what do you gain from dropping the carrier if the neg mod isn't offset?-- Anything over 100% neg mod gets distorted-- why drop the carrier anymore if your not driving an amp? Believe me a radio thats 8 watts swinging to 24 watts will put out way better than a 1 watt swinging to 24 watt radio--
As long as you have 100% mod, why drop the carrier power? you can only get soo much modulation-- anything more is real bad sounding or its a waste of power
If you are running barefoot and can get 100% mod with a good size carrier, bringing the carrier down to get more swing is a waste
yeah sometimes I wonder as well ? 5 to 20 with 100% audio is nice (no box) .......you want a run a box that looks good at a 1 watt drive so now your swing'in 4 with the 100% audio ? or 1 Swing'in 20 drive'in the box ? Now ....it's a lie right ?(the power that the npc/swing kits give the radios into the box ?) because the audio goes off the scale because there is truly no such thing as anything over 100% modulation !! I understand that much !! ......OK ....So the guy doesn't run a power mic and keeps his audio down where it sounds clean to ones ear (not a scope) ......but yet when he does that he tends to lose the swing of the npc/sk all the same .......right ? .....so how much more of a differance is there after one turns his damned audio down to sound as good as he can to the receiving station with a npc/sk mod ? .......Case in point ...friend has a swing kit in his 29 cobra ,he uses a stock mic and a trb-1 echo board set just right .....when he has his audio set at 10 o-clock on his mic gain he sounds sweet !! anything over that ...he will sound like hammered poo poo (distoration) !! ......10 0-clock on any mic gain really isn't that much is it ? especially with a stock mic ! ......Guys like what they like .....it doesn't matter if I say ..hey dude !! your losing power !!! Why he says ? you tell them and they could care less !!! as far as a radio doing 2 to 20 with 100% modulation ........I don't think that is possible is it ? .......if it were at 100% it would be doing 2 to 8 I believe the math is ? ......all's that I have been taught is that anything over 100% audio is lose of power ........How much ? might truly be the question ? especially if one is running 1K on the other end of that swing'in like crazy radio .....How much would be the question ? .....enough for the operator to change his or her ways on how they run there equipment ? ......Help me understand better here if at all possible ? .....Does the S-9 do 2 to 52 with 100% modulation ??? if so .....please explain.
I was running a small box on the base. 150 watts swinging 325 or so. Heard a Guy in Virgina say Mr Cleans radio wasn't swinging much and couldnt talk very good that way. I was in Indiana. Any way you cut it if you got conditions you will talk.

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