Anything newsworthy to report from anyone?
I guess it's finished Jeff. :sad:
I'm not sure, but I think DWB and/or Mac, one or both, had or have their Vectors already up for sale---at bargain basement prices. So, I guess they're not happy, cause I haven't heard any results either. Or, maybe they're both happy, but need money. Or maybe they're unhappy cause they could not finger' out how to assembled these monsters, even though Bob speaks very highly of both gentlemen. So,
I'm not sure.
Do you hear an echo?
The common complaint I hear on-air in this area is: "...that the Vectors don't have good ears, while other's praise them for being quiet." maybe that is the same difference. With all the CB BS we get around here, I've been
afraid to ask, so,
I'm not sure.
I heard an echo again. :w00t:
I did get Shockwave's measurements for one of the antennas he got the best gain with. I saw a regular Vector and a wide angle one that looked to have shorter legs that were wide apart and I think that is the one with the best gain. However, I was thinking he repeatedly talked about using longer radials with wide angle to get more gain, so
I'm not sure. Echo again.
I recall SW and Bob discussing the hoop fitting the antenna when the radials were made longer. The oem hoop would not fit so SW had to make a new one. I wondered why dosen't he just test the radial lengths without the loop until the best radial length is determined and then come back later and fix the loop that gets him the same results. But,
I'm not sure. :bdh:
I've re-read this thread again and again, and with all the antennas and different models being discussed, I'm not sure I could logically describe the information given, and I sure wouldn't try to paraphrase. I've had some questions, but again was
afraid to ask!
I'm not sure.