Yup. Hams consider any bootlegging on any ham band akin to break-and-entering. Interlopers and intruders.You're not serious are you?
We're just like that, I guess.
Yup. Hams consider any bootlegging on any ham band akin to break-and-entering. Interlopers and intruders.You're not serious are you?
Yup. Hams consider any bootlegging on any ham band akin to break-and-entering. Interlopers and intruders.
We're just like that, I guess.
I know, nobody "owns" 10 meters, is just a part of the radio spectrum...
Just like the Citizens Band, Just because yer a citizen does not mean you own the band...
Back in the 60's and 70's CB'ers had Coffee Breaks. The CB club I belonged back in PA had one every year. It was held at the county fairgrounds and started on a Friday afternoon and lasted until Sunday night. We had live music, camping and CB gear to no end. Dealers from OH, PA and NY came loaded with stuff. New and used. We also had 100's of door prizes. It was 100% CB stuff for sale/trade.
It would be nice if they still had them!
Yup. Hams consider any bootlegging on any ham band akin to break-and-entering. Interlopers and intruders.
We're just like that, I guess.
HMMM interesting. What about the countries that the USA or in your case our neighbor to the North has no reciprocal agreement with? Do you make contact with those countries? Many countries in Africa are not even on the FCC data base, I have heard, made contact with a few of those rare dx contacts. I guess I should have looked to see if I could talk to them before I made the contact.
If a bootlegger is on the ham bands if I remember right there is no FCC regulations that says licensed amateur operators have to report them. We are instructed to cease contact as soon as we are aware that they are unlicensed, or illegally transmitting on the frequency.
I here it all the time on 15 meters and sometimes on 75 meter phone. They are talking Spanish, no call signs, but rag chewing with their friends. In their country it may not be illegal to talk on those freq, or their govt could care less.
As far as feeling like an illegal freq user broke into my house? I could give a rip what they do on the frequencies, my license does not make me a frequency police, nor would I think to be one. But if that individual broke into my house? If the dog in the yard did not take him out the shotgun will.
No I'm not actually.You're a grown man and can actually say that with a straight face? I feel bad for you, I really do. [...] You're not one of those HAMs who spend more time seeking out these criminals than enjoying your hobby are you?
No, I am not.I can wholly understand being interfered with by a criminal on your station and taking appropriate action, but your not one of those who scan the bands, forums, and Ebay listings just looking for criminals are you?
Something traumatic must have happened in your life for you to be able to put breaking/entering and illegal radio operation on the same level that you haven't come to grips with.
I have issues????Has your house ever been broken into? Well mine has. I had a house fire 10 years ago, and what wasn't destroyed by fire, smoke or water, was stolen by thieves who apparently see a house fire as an opportunity, especially houses out in the county. So I know first hand what if feels like to be violated to that degree, and for you to put your precious radio spectrum on that level tells me that you have issues.
(I'm not sayin' a word here ... )This is exactly why I avoid these threads. My better judgment just lapsed long enough to remind me again why I do avoid these threads. There simply is no reasoning with an unreasonable mind.
Uh- huh.... sure, yeah.... whatever. (Where's my violin?)Thank You for the refresher. I was going to take my test next month, but you just reminded me of why I haven't and why I shouldn't.
I have issues????
:headbang OK, Dr. Freud, whatever you say... :bdh:Yeah, your train of thought is unnatural and illogical. Like you have the inability to distinguish and separate out your feelings.
I guess it could be a deal where the big kids on the playground hogged all the toys and you never got to play with any of them and this is your form of controlling the toys? Yeah maybe.
Wavrider, I'll put this as nice as I can but you have no idea what you are talking about. Amateur bands are allocated by the International Telecommunications Union and are universal around the world with very small differences in a couple of HF bands. There is no such thing as " In their country it may not be illegal to talk on those freq, or their govt could care less."
Also when you said "What about the countries that the USA or in your case our neighbor to the North has no reciprocal agreement with? Do you make contact with those countries? Many countries in Africa are not even on the FCC data base,....." First off having a reciprocal agreement has nothing to do with being able to talk to them. It has to do with a foreign amateur operating when he is in the USA or vise versa. I have no idea what you mean by " Many countries in Africa are not even on the FCC data base,...." Why would the FCC have a database of foreign amateurs?
Please get the facts straight before trying to make your point.
Yup. Hams consider any bootlegging on any ham band akin to break-and-entering. Interlopers and intruders.
We're just like that, I guess.
As far as some countries not caring what freq is used? HF is world wide, very easy to set up a portable station and broadcast info, happens all the time, sometimes on the ham freq, sometimes not. Many of the countries that the signal has been pin pointed to has govt's than are non existent or are puppet regimes.