Saying something nice that is not at all true is just a pretty lie and does no one any good!
If someone needs a safe zone or a crying closet that is their problem not mine.
Yes, it is perfectly alright to criticize! In fact, if more people spoke the truth openly we would not have half of the problems we have. What do you think keeps incompetent people in the workplace. If people had spoken openly about things the housing bubble could have been averted, General Motors and the UAW would not have needed a bailout and neither would the banking industry.NAFTA would never have gone through either. Half truths outright lies freq the lie of omission and people keeping their mouth shut to either avoid any responsibility, keep riding the gravy train at the cost of the nation or under the false notion that it would be impolite to point out the obvious.
The messes that Europe and the USA is in socially, politically, economically is the direct result of otherwise good people keeping there mouth shut when they see other people either acting like fools, committing criminals acts or doing otherwise unwise things.
People are keen on looking like the Scholarly Professor or the Wise Old Sage but they never worry about doing the responsible thing since they will never take any blame for someone butchering their radio. They sing the praises of a mod but never the unfortunate truth that also comes with most of these mods which manifests in some unwanted not at all positive side effects.
No amount of Mosfet swapping for BJT's inside of a radio one for one has ever produced enough of an increase in power to be worthwhile at the other end of the signal. The only thing these mods do reliably in the hands of a novice is create more problems.
So instead of $15 lets say to replace a defective part you are spending $0.50 to $1. Never mind that durability is always a problem with these non-rf-specific fet's. Even OEM's that use them can not get them to last much past the warranty period and it really gets bad when golden screw drives come out!
You never point out the obvious to anyone about these mods ever!!!! Spin things to only talk about positives. You know nicotine has some fantastic effects on memory, cognitive performance, hand-eye coordination, short-term productivity helps to alleviate a lot of symptoms in various mental health conditions and disease states. If that is all someone told you about nicotine with no historical perspective on it's delivery systems, addiction, short term and long term cost both directly and in terms of medical cost's you might think nicotine was some incredible medical drug that everyone should use! Same thing with Mosfet Conversions they sound great the way you and other's spin it but if you actually presented all of the facts truthfully and balanced few would do it unless they had no choice.
No one is saying people should not have a choice! I am not saying people should not have a choice. What I am saying is all of the stuff you and everyone else that pushes these mod's leaves out and fail to mention. When people make a decision they should have all of the facts not 1/2 of them! If something is stupid only a fool, a thief or someone that hates their fellow man would fail to speak the truth!
You clearly have an agenda that you are pushing and it is not without it's obvious bias. Maybe you do not mean to be deceptive I have no reason to think you are being purposefully deceptive but you and everyone else that pushes the MOSFET conversion always neglect to tell people all of the facts.
If something can not stand up to the scrutiny of other's than it is normally not a good thing.