This is crazy, my kids came and woke me up out of a nap saying daddy daddy we hear people talking on our walkie talkie, are they talking back to us.
I got out of bed and listened very closely and heard a man say, "The West Coast Beast Got Down!" I was thinking, no way lol no I started my video recorder to document this.
Just imagine how many other kids on the East Coast yesterday was listening to the Super Bowl, 27.025 MHz on therd Dollar General $5 Walkie Talkies.
Here is the link to the video, check it out:
Watch "Motor Mouth Maul Heard In Ga On $5 Walkie Talkie" on YouTube
Motor Mouth Maul Heard In Ga On $5 Walkie Talkie:
Motor Mouth Maul Heard In Ga On $5 Walkie Talkie - YouTube