Here's a stationmaster, cheech
Here's a stationmaster, cheech
Yeah he would be up the road from me and hearing better with one of those centerfire quarter wave groundplanes and the cheapest RG 58 I have ever seen. I am running 9913 so that helps some.At VHF/UHF the best way to increase coverage is by getting that antenna higher. Sure, an antenna with gain is going to do better than one without, but not as much as increasing the elevation of that low gain antenna (the guy down the road from you, or would that be 'up' the road from you?).
- 'Doc
vhf maul
I guess i'm a bit late onthis conversation, The best thing I've found is an old super station master, a 10db gain vertical. there all over if you look. I payed for one and collected up 4 more shortly there after. At 24 ft by 3" in diameter not too many people want to put these things up. with ten watts i was talking over 60 miles with no problem, with 200 watts over125 with no problem. these are buy far the best murs antenna. they are a high gain colinear antenna so there band width is a bit tight. you can tune them for best center freq, for perforamance and durability these repeater antennas are smoken! Steve 44