We use it here, on 151.940. I only get about 4 to 5 miles mobile to mobile, and about 12-15 miles base to mobile. My base antenna is just a discone, and the mobiles are 2 meter 5/8 wave magmounts cut for MURS. My house is in the woods, so that cuts my range down a bit, I think. I am also right on a river, so low elevation as well.
I use my Yaesu FT-847 for the base, set for about 5-10 watts usually, and the mobiles are both the 2 channel programmable Radio Shack 19-1210 mobiles they closed out a few years ago, both set at about 5 watts.
One of these days I am going to get a couple of nice VHF commercial mobile sets and use those, and try to upgrade my antenna situation and get a gain antenna, maybe even a small beam mounted a little higher.
It is a cool band, and a pretty unused one, at least around here. I do have a couple of business users on 154.570 around here, but they are almost out of range from me, and I just PL them out if I have a need for that frequency.