These can be built to match your radio by emailing him...
Maybe a little more than you were wanting to spend,
however will provide MUCH improved audio over any cheap power mic.
Audio intelligibility is much more important than VOLUME!
Most certainly for SSB usage!
Don't fall into the local crowds concept of LOUD and PROUD idea of what sounds good.
Most power mics tend to yes, add gain, however most INCREASE distortion when they create volume. They also tend to bring up background noise also, which is counter to usage mobile.
The 980 has built in mic pre-amp for gain and a noise cancelling microphone, thus unless your running it wide open and it still lacks gain the addition of cheap power mic will most likely add more distortion rather than voice range audio gain.
I am sure others have ideas, however adding small amount of
real compression, and the ability to "enhance" your specific voice will provide much better results. IMHO
No inexpensive power mic will give you the results your trying to achieve.
My 2 cents worth.
Most modern Amatuer radio transceivers now have this type of EQ
built into the radio to specifically tailor this for the user. There's a good reason why. They work well.
GL Have fun
All the Best