Several times yesterday and today when conditions sounded like they were good, I tried to key up and break into the action. I tried on SSB and AM and got nothing. I just got my radio back from the shop too. I was making all kinds of contacts with real good reports before it went out. I was being told I was putting out strong signal and clear audio. It seemed like I was the guy everyone wanted to respond to. I was having incoming stations giving me a 4 or 5 on my meter, and they were telling me I was putting their meter in the red. A few guys told me they couldn't believe I was running a mobile. The problem was that I was spattering over the 2M mobile while on the lower channels. Now that my radio is back I can't get anyone to even acknowledge I'm there. I'm sure it is just a coincidence but it is discouraging. It seems like it is working OK locally. I was talking with the wife at about 8 miles as the crow flies before I lost her. But I just can't get down on the DX. I guess I gotta just give it some time and see if anything changes. Wish me luck!