Well I was surfing through my channels and ended up on ch 1 and pegged the my 2M's S-meter. So I checked it out further. I only bleed into my 2M while my CB is on ch 1 & 2. As I was having trouble with my SWR not being as low as I'd like(1.4 ch 40 and 1.2 ch 1 after installing the second antenna. It was a flat 1.15 on ch 1 & 40 before). I never could quite get it flat again even after re-tuning. I decided to remove the second antenna that was on the roof. I am flat again, but now 1.5 on all channels so today I'll raise the stinger back to where it was before I re-tuned it. I found 2 breaks in the insulation of the coax for the 2M antenna and the shielding was exposed to the cab of the truck. Maybe that was part of my problem??? I will have to figure out another location for the second radio antenna. I can't transmit on the 2M anyway till I get my ticket. I've just been using it like a mobile scanner, to listen to local and state police, and also I use the NOAA weather. Either way, I am going to go to a permenant mount on the CB antenna instead of a magmount, and maybe creat an RF choke at the feed point. My second antenna will have to find a home other than the roof of the cab.