I was just about to 'close up shop' when something told me to scan 40m... I went to it and started scanning at 7.125 then it happened 7.203 usb, I could hear a voice, s8-s9, spanish accent, but not mexico.
EA5BOX, calling for DX
I fired up the tuner as fast as I could, tuned that thing faster than I ever thought possible
then I called out with my call sign... Sorry BJ not yet!!!
He answered back that he could hear me but that I was weak. I replied with my call sign in Phonetic Alphabet... 3 times and slowly, I figured english was not his first language and my signal was weak...
He copied!!! Middle of the USA to SPAIN, I mean that's over 4,500 MILES
He reported that I was giving him a signal of s5, even going as high as s8
he was running a ten tec of some sort, a 1kw amplifier, and a yagi, I was running a yaesu ft890, mfj962c and a $4 bailing wire antenna
wait how big is a yagi at 40m? it must be massive? wow
anyway wonderful way to end the night if you ask me
EA5BOX, calling for DX
I fired up the tuner as fast as I could, tuned that thing faster than I ever thought possible
then I called out with my call sign... Sorry BJ not yet!!!
He answered back that he could hear me but that I was weak. I replied with my call sign in Phonetic Alphabet... 3 times and slowly, I figured english was not his first language and my signal was weak...
He copied!!! Middle of the USA to SPAIN, I mean that's over 4,500 MILES
He reported that I was giving him a signal of s5, even going as high as s8
he was running a ten tec of some sort, a 1kw amplifier, and a yagi, I was running a yaesu ft890, mfj962c and a $4 bailing wire antenna
wait how big is a yagi at 40m? it must be massive? wow
anyway wonderful way to end the night if you ask me