Anyone know of a good commercial 2 meter antenna for permanent mounting use?
... I am going to go with the Jetstream JTB-1 as it will cover 2 meter and 70 centimeter nicely. I will be running them through a MFJ 941E and then on to my Yaesu FT 987D
I mistyped. I actually have an 897D not the 987.
I'm a newly return Ham I had my license but it lapsed in 2004, I was a Tech. I decided after the death of my Wife to get back into the Hobby, going back to get my Tech and General License. I've been putting together my Shack, and I stuck with Yaesu, Bought a FT950 for 10-160, bought a FT-7900r Mobile for 2m and 440, and a FT-2900r for my Car for 2m. And Finally for a HT picked up the Yaesu VX-8Dr and the GPA add ons. I'm in the process of assembling my shack.
I don't have a 949E. I have a 941E really shouldn't need a tuner for vhf/uhf...
...I can honestly see no reason whatsoever you should ever need an antenna tuner for V/UHF. The antennas are wideband enough to cover the entire band with the exception of some really high gain long boom yagis meant for the low end of the band for SSB DXing which won't cover the high end for repeater FM work...