I operated 1D /Indiana this year. The host of our normal FD site's XYL had a nasty infection and spent 3 days in Hospital just 8 days before FD.
Then take in to account 3+ inches of rain less then 24 hrs before FD set-up, needless to say plans got changed.
I did however make the best of it.
I operated single band/single op on 6M
13 US States worked which included 19 ARRL FD Sections.
States worked: IN / OH / PA /FLA / MO / TX / NH / RI / NY /Mas / Maine / Minn /Conn plus (2) Prov. Canada
Notable Contacts:
Airinotical Mobile EM79
Maritime Mobile : VE1FO FN84
K1B: CTRI Contest Group 20th Anniversary Special Event from RI
W2LIS : Long Is. NY from Tesla Sci Center
Tesla special event station
CM2XN : Habana, CUBA EL83
CU1EZ : Santa Maria Island, AZORES HM76
Total operating time both days: 5 hrs 10 minutes
Rig: YAESU FTdx3000D and 5 element LFA at 45ft.
I had a blast!
Hope All had as much RADIOFUN FD-2017
All the Best
Gary/ W9FNB
Then take in to account 3+ inches of rain less then 24 hrs before FD set-up, needless to say plans got changed.
I did however make the best of it.
I operated single band/single op on 6M
13 US States worked which included 19 ARRL FD Sections.
States worked: IN / OH / PA /FLA / MO / TX / NH / RI / NY /Mas / Maine / Minn /Conn plus (2) Prov. Canada
Notable Contacts:
Airinotical Mobile EM79
Maritime Mobile : VE1FO FN84
K1B: CTRI Contest Group 20th Anniversary Special Event from RI
W2LIS : Long Is. NY from Tesla Sci Center
Tesla special event station
CM2XN : Habana, CUBA EL83
CU1EZ : Santa Maria Island, AZORES HM76
Total operating time both days: 5 hrs 10 minutes
Rig: YAESU FTdx3000D and 5 element LFA at 45ft.
I had a blast!
Hope All had as much RADIOFUN FD-2017
All the Best
Gary/ W9FNB