Had the same issue here! Boy do those Xbox's and Netflix bog down the speed for sure!! And don't forget the online gaming as well. It too can bog down the speed. Anyway, glad to hear you got it fixed. Nothing like regaining control of the internet or even something they need back LOL!! Darn kids. I too have an 18yr old about to go to comm. college coming up near end of August. No job either. And like you said having or Getting a job won't help either!! Man do I know the feeling. The grey hairs are coming in fast now!! Will be just 40yrs old Aug. 10th. Have 4 kids, 3 girls, 1 boy. Man it's 2 handfuls of work to keep things afloat!!! Wouldn't change it for the world though!!! Love my kids and hope all of them do well in life. My som has hit a few bumps but has gotten it together now!! Thank God. Anyway. Again, nice that you were able to fix your issue!!