Can anyone tell me who made this 16 element 2 meter beam and maybe a model number.
It was purchased from a Hamfest many years ago.
It has to be 30+ years old easy as I have had it close to 20 years.
I used it for a couple of years and then gave up the hobby.
For over a decade it just spun around freely in the wind with the coax broken.
Got back in the hobby and took it down and noticed that the elements were not "longest to shortest" back to front so I reset the elements as such, longest in the back and getting shorter towards the front.
I get an ok SWR on my simplex that I use the most @ 146.415 but not very good elsewhere.
For a log periodic with so many driven elements in the back (5), I should be doing better.
If I could get some help, I would take it down again and do what needs to be done.
It being some 30 feet long, I don't want to do that too often !
Any help would be greatly appreciated and I came here as I know if anyone has an answer, here is where it will come from.
Thanks in advance.
73 de VE3MTD.
It was purchased from a Hamfest many years ago.
It has to be 30+ years old easy as I have had it close to 20 years.
I used it for a couple of years and then gave up the hobby.
For over a decade it just spun around freely in the wind with the coax broken.
Got back in the hobby and took it down and noticed that the elements were not "longest to shortest" back to front so I reset the elements as such, longest in the back and getting shorter towards the front.
I get an ok SWR on my simplex that I use the most @ 146.415 but not very good elsewhere.
For a log periodic with so many driven elements in the back (5), I should be doing better.
If I could get some help, I would take it down again and do what needs to be done.
It being some 30 feet long, I don't want to do that too often !
Any help would be greatly appreciated and I came here as I know if anyone has an answer, here is where it will come from.
Thanks in advance.
73 de VE3MTD.