Hey Todd, been wondering what ever happened with that Omega One Radio thing with the FCC?
or did it die when Hollingsworth retired.
What do you mean? the warning letters or the station itself.
The station ran between August to November of 2007 and shut down after the hard drive which had all the music on it went bad. In October of 2008, the FCC send the first warning letter, which I responded. In January of 2008 the FCC responded back to my respond claiming I lied, I didn't respond back to it, and Riley retired. In December of 2008 I requested anything information that deal with Omega One Radio and my call-sign. The FCC responded back, asking for me to clarify my request and again I stated I wanted anything, including complaints AND any field strength measurement, if any were taken. The FCC forwarded the information to the Wireless Bureau and to the Enforcement Bureau, and on January 24 I received 82+ pages, including complaints and material that they (The FCC) gathered that came off the Internet. After I reviewed it and a Lawyer reviewed it, we find that the FCC DID NOT have any real evidence against me or the station (I.E. they didn't do a field strength measurement as required by law) but instead based those warning letter on material that they got off the internet, Material they can not use. So accordingly I, through my Lawyer is going to push to have those two warning letters removed, due to lack of evidence. I hope this answer your question.
Todd N9OGL