I think one of the best features of the kit is that I can wind the dial right up to 27.555 without having to change bands. Then I push the knob to go right back to 38. I haven't used the other features much yet, but I did look at my notes on the 5kc channel steps for when the DX gets rolling so I can QSY real quick. I heard someone from Brazil today on 555 asking someone to QSY. I followed and they were gone. I am going to set up my Carl Built 4 pill to go with the Madison, it is on the list. Then I can go head to head with my Stryker 955 and XForce 4 pill. The receive on the Madison is so nice, and changing bands on the 955 is funky so it might not be much of a contest.links work here too.
Shadetree, how are you liking the different features of that kit?
have you gotten used to selecting the menus and such?