The IC-718 I believe was introduced in 2000 and is still in production today making it one of the longest running radios in production. It’s a great radio no doubt. If buying new the IC-718 would be almost $400 less than the IC-7300 and almost $800 less than the FT-3000. You can never go wrong with a good antenna, unfortunately some locations don’t yield themselves to high gain antennas and dipoles or verticals are the only option.
No 6 meters on the 718 & the difference in what you get in these two radios is daylight & dark. You also don't get any FM for 10 meter FM on the 718 nor a built in tuner as I recall with the 718 & no spectrum scope. I hate any touch screen radios but if you like them the 7300 blows away the 718 in every respect & try buying a 6 meter all mode with those specs for the price difference.