while im glad the pot adjustment seemed to work for you, there is still a chance that you just masked the real problem by turning this pot down.
you say your radio just started doing this one day when you turned it on, and it didnt do this before that time?
do you really think that pot just magically moved itself from the time you shut the radio off working normally to the time you next turned it on and found that it was pegging the needle?
while that is in the realm of possibility just because nothing is impossible; im thinking that the cause of your problem lies external to the radio.
if your radio had a built in SWR meter i would say that you might have left it in the CAL position by accident, but i dont think the 25LTD's have that feature.
to me it sounds like a bad coax connection somewhere.
do you have an SWR meter that you can hook up between the radio and the antenna to see if the SWR is ok?
check through all your coax connections that are in line such as meters, amps, filters, antenna, etc...
wiggle coax connections while watching the SWR meter with the mic keyed.
if it bounces around you have a coax problem.
is there a chance that this problem is related to some recent weather you've been having? IE-the connection at the antenna has been stressed or otherwise compromised.
let us know what you find,