My 2nd board is headed to Shadetree Mechanic when it arrives later this week. Maybe he'll do a video for us.
Doesn't appear to need a connection to the radio's circuit ground. The pad marked "ground" goes to the chassis, not to the circuit board's ground. Every trick I know to do this needs that connection.
Got me baffled. Gotta buy one next time they come up.
I'll wait for the model with the Kaiburr Crystal Technology. Red, Blue, Green, Purple model boards.
I believe Cobra has stopped making floating ground radios, so mounting this board to the chassis of the radio would cause no problem. But if you have an older radio, you will need to add a ground wire, to DC ground the board.
You're just sending (throwing) your money (pocket cash - burn money) to someone else...
I have some thoughts on this but it will have to await another day...
I found two more sets of boards and will be listing them shortly.
This guy clearly does not know his automotive history! Europeans were big on positive ground. The only reason the USA and our negative ground won out was because we were a bigger market for European brands than Europe was! LOL In the 1980's and 1990's I was still working on the occasional old + ground vehicle. My grandfather who has been dead for a long time actual drove commercial vechiles that sometimes had positive ground systems.nomadradio this might help about the ground i sent him a message about when he was getting more and about the ground here is his replied=
New message from: radiojoe757 (1,401)
Chassis mount ground is because the board is mounted to the chassis. In the old Cobra 29's the chassis was floating, to protect against positive ground vehicles. I don't think they have made any positive ground vehicles in 80 years so this is no longer an issue. I believe Cobra has stopped making floating ground radios, so mounting this board to the chassis of the radio would cause no problem. But if you have an older radio, you will need to add a ground wire, to DC ground the board.
I found two more sets of boards and will be listing them shortly. Ordered more parts, and boards assembled, but that may take many weeks to come together.