I never said they were out of calibration numb nuts I said they were representative of a correct reading, funny both his Kenwoods show close to the same if you go back and look at my post he is using radios who's s meter would show more accurate results than all the guys who used CB radios. Anyone who sees 1-2 s units difference(1 s unit = 4-6 db - 2 s units = 8 to 12db ) and think that is correct when comparing similiar antennas must be smoking the same shit you are. I guarantee my theory holds more water than your's. How can coax make what 1 antenna recieves be out of phase.
My, aren't you waxing abusive, Mr Suburban

Easy, take two identical antennas and install them equidistant in the direction of the transmitting station you are receiving. Using the velocity factor, cut one length of coax exactly ½ wave shorter. Using both in parallel you will experience a high degree of cancellation.
Glad I could learn you something, if you're able to.
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