Ahh man I would be messing with them but thats just me :twisted: We have a prisoner loose all units respond hehe. Jail brake jail brake :shock:
Cheech said:Ahh man I would be messing with them but thats just me :twisted: We have a prisoner loose all units respond hehe. Jail brake jail brake :shock:
Cheech said:Good lord I had this scary thought that all the companys that make those useless litle gmrs radios are going to start making murs radios :shock: They already made gmrs a usless thing! I dont think they will take over but Im saying that a couple of years ago I had just heard of gmrs and no one made radios with the gmrs chanels. Now you can walk in to any store almost and buy some cheap poorly constructed gmrs radio and I have never once heard any licenced operators on those things. Thank God they dont transmit for crap! Next thing it will be murs :?