Whoa now!
Ya know, I've heard this "old man" ham stuff until I am tired of it. So, with all due respect, I feel that equal time is due the hams on this subject of medicines, etc to rebut this, OK? Now if anybody takes high offense, I am sorry, but this is NOT representative of the entire Amateur community at all. The truth be told, if you put ANY group of older Americans together, there *may* be discussion of their aches, pains, and the Dr's they went to and it doesn't have anything to do with being a ham. In fact, I can turn on my CB base and listen and hear the SAME discussion=--enough to make me get down my fiddle and play an old Jack Benny routine (and if you don't know who he was, go look it up!

)! What *I* hear on ham radio is new hams on 2 Meters being "destinated" (there's no such word) and you can tell they came from CB because they talk about their "home 20" or an occasional "tan fer". Or "first personal". YUCK! Or I hear a discussion among other hams HELPING newer hams and welcoming them to the hobby, OR...................a discussion about construction of J-poles, dipoles, and other poles. NOT the aches and pains of older people. And I got news fer ya: if you GET old, you WILL get those aches and pains that you mock whether you gripe about it on a CB, ham radio, or a telephone. But it's better to GET old than to suffer the alternative!

You WILL be so you can't get up and down as well as you used to, and, yes, you will likely be taking those medications you think all hams have to take and that's all they can talk about! Well, It ain't so! And I would rather be discussing the "Q" of an antenna on ham radio than doing what I often hear on CB. (Are you ready for this?). Honesly, the knowledge of MANY of those people you ridicule about radio would put you to SHAME. (And me, too!)
Are you ready for this?
"Tan fer thar, ah know whutcha mean, shore do thar, Mercy Sakes 'live, I heerd that, ah did, guaran-tole ye, gre't day thar,
shore thang, ah know you rah't thar, ah-ah-ah, mercy, git back thar SQUEEEEEEEEEK (echo echo echo echo") All that rigamarole just to say the word YES!
What did he accomplish other than prove that he had nothing worthwhile to say to start with? :?:
if YOU can generalize, criticize, and catagorize, so can I!