I stumbled across these forums when searching for what happened to Express Electronics. I picked up a neat little tuned setup from them back in 2001, and ran it for about a year until skip died down and put it into storage. Well, it's out of storage now after a recent move, and I've been wondering what to do with it.
What I've found is that no one online seems to sell tuned export radios in the US anymore, as well as offering tuning and matching to amps. I hesitate to sell it because it appears to be close to impossible to find again if I ever so desired such a setup. At the same time, it's just sitting there taking up much needed space in the garage. In the past 5-6 years I've never had a need for a CB radio at all.
If I do want to sell, would these forums be the appropriate place to post it? Or am I just asking for trouble?
What I've found is that no one online seems to sell tuned export radios in the US anymore, as well as offering tuning and matching to amps. I hesitate to sell it because it appears to be close to impossible to find again if I ever so desired such a setup. At the same time, it's just sitting there taking up much needed space in the garage. In the past 5-6 years I've never had a need for a CB radio at all.
If I do want to sell, would these forums be the appropriate place to post it? Or am I just asking for trouble?