Some good answers posted to your question.
Time to ask a few; is this your first HF radio?
What are your limitations for room for antenna(s)?
Do you plan to add an amplifier in the future?
Is FMmode needed for your setup? Makes a difference of how wide the roofing filter is.
As far as brands Kenwood, Icom, & Yaesu have all made shining stars & all have had
their share of problem rigs.
From personal experience my choices would be Icom 7200 & LDG AT- 200 tuner if FM is not a priority. The 200 pro vs the 100pro more memory slots for multiple antennnas.
Need FM I would go with either the Kenwood TS-480 SAT & the same LDG tuner or
either the Yaesu 950 with the latest firmware & same LDG tuner.
Any of these set ups will not break the budget, are by no means obsolete.
If you like the digital modes the 7200 would probably be your best choice of the three.
I have owned all three of these radios at some point in time & still have the 200 pro
tuner. Any one of them are solid dependable rigs.
One more thing & just a preference of mine, avoid 200 watt transceivers, too much
heat build up & that extra 100 watts is only 3db on the other end.
Need more watts there are plenty of amps available.
Hope this helps, happy hunting.
Time to ask a few; is this your first HF radio?
What are your limitations for room for antenna(s)?
Do you plan to add an amplifier in the future?
Is FMmode needed for your setup? Makes a difference of how wide the roofing filter is.
As far as brands Kenwood, Icom, & Yaesu have all made shining stars & all have had
their share of problem rigs.
From personal experience my choices would be Icom 7200 & LDG AT- 200 tuner if FM is not a priority. The 200 pro vs the 100pro more memory slots for multiple antennnas.
Need FM I would go with either the Kenwood TS-480 SAT & the same LDG tuner or
either the Yaesu 950 with the latest firmware & same LDG tuner.
Any of these set ups will not break the budget, are by no means obsolete.
If you like the digital modes the 7200 would probably be your best choice of the three.
I have owned all three of these radios at some point in time & still have the 200 pro
tuner. Any one of them are solid dependable rigs.
One more thing & just a preference of mine, avoid 200 watt transceivers, too much
heat build up & that extra 100 watts is only 3db on the other end.
Need more watts there are plenty of amps available.
Hope this helps, happy hunting.