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New Product from Magnum International...

I got the mic today from RF Limited. It got here late - about 6 PM. I didn't think that UPS would be out that late - but they were. Hooked it up to the radio and talked to some locals on SSB mode to get some immediate impressions. The review will be up by this weekend while I use it a couple of days and get more info. I can tell you that it has gotten good reports. While listening to the mic in talk back mode on my radio, the tone knob has a gradual, even change in bass response. Great presence and punch. So far, I like it a lot.
More to come...
I agree! If they come out with something lame like the 3200B I'm going to blow my brains out in disgust.

Just......stop it.:bdh:
come on now the 3200B is not such a terible radio, I've been running one for 4 years with out a glich other then the mode lights being out. PROPERLY tuned they have outstanding receive and better then average transmit. only real design flaw i have a problem with is the warm up time to talk SSB which i use 99.5% of the time. I in my opinion a PROPERLY tuned Magnum 3200B will rival with a Cobra 2000 or a Uniden Washington on TX & RX that sit next to the 3200B on the shelf. it would be nice if Magnum would make another radio simular to the 3200B with a built in frequency counter,100 watts or better and make it more ready to turn it on and talk SSB instead of the 20 minute or so warm up to settle back on frequency so you don't have to play with the clarifier so much. and keep the price of it below $ 400.00 for a base station.
I got the mic today from RF Limited. It got here late - about 6 PM. I didn't think that UPS would be out that late - but they were. Hooked it up to the radio and talked to some locals on SSB mode to get some immediate impressions. The review will be up by this weekend while I use it a couple of days and get more info. I can tell you that it has gotten good reports. While listening to the mic in talk back mode on my radio, the tone knob has a gradual, even change in bass response. Great presence and punch. So far, I like it a lot.
More to come...

rob is this a basde mike or hand mike?if ya hear anymore about a s9 in a cabinet
leave me know i love my magnum products
Next time you speak with Sam, asked what ever become of idea of the 457 and this:


Looks like a Commanche Warrior / Eagle Tomahawk / Cobra 2010...

Maybe the extra fire in the wire would be nice, but the basic radio design has already been released some years ago...



and similiar in design, but not quite:
dual meters , dual clarifier and even memory and scan features . but then they pinch pennies and use only a 5 digit counter.............
i wonder why they use 5 digit counters.


could it be that they dont want you to see that 6th digit bouncing around because the radio isnt very stable?

inquiring minds want to know.
I don't see why you would need the 6th digit. The clarifier on these rigs tracks TX and RX together, so if you tune to the person you are talking to, what difference does it make whether you see the last digit or not? You will be right on them. Just talk!

The rigs that have the (dumb) arrangement with one clarifier that only changes RX and one that changes RX/TX are the ones where you would want the 6th digit. I've never understood why you would want to separate the two like that---it makes it too easy to be TXing a couple hundred HZ away from where you are RXing. What is the point of that?
It has been attributed to Jim Peng that he essentially acknowledged that a couple of real simple changes could really improve the RX on his radios and make their audio REALLY shine, but he saw no reason to do so because the ignorant americans buy them like wildfire anyway. We're not talking about anything that would significantly change the price point.

The guy got rich selling this junk that even needs to go to a radio shop brand new just to get it to spec. That is pretty sad.

The days of older designs should be numbered anyways.
Because many of the ICs and transistors in the 2950 radio are obsolete.
They can only build them from stock on hand purchased many years ago.
This also holds true for S-9 radio.
But newer designs like magnum 257 have parts that are now manufactured.

Parts go obsolete because something better and cheaper has replaced it.
Sometimes entire design blocks become obsolete because of a new chip.
257's Noisy in the MOBILE !

The 257 's new technology is great . Love the scan & the presets !

I don't like the excessive noise that it picks up in mobile use . It is one of the
noisiest radios that I have ever used in a car .
I just received the Magnum 257 HP less than an hour ago. Got it all wired up as a base radio at this time. Will be using it for a week, and then I will write it up as a review.

I must say that really like the receive in it so far. Very little noise. A no-frills radio; very straightforward. No roger beep, echo, or talkback. Been using my Galaxy 99V before I hooked up the 257. Absolutely NO DRIFT on SSB with the 257 - sweet! HUGE difference between the 257 and the 99 in that regard.
hey robb , when you do the review video can you please also do one with it on am and dead keying %25 of what its cleanly swings ? also let us know if it still has a stock power mic with the pot inside .

thanks ;)
on the 257s ive heard they were ok .but not loud like the omega or s9
if ya want the best of both worlds your better off with the omga or s-9
if ya only talk ssb and only use am for local txing ya could get by
with the 257.but if ya want that magnum audio ya need a omega/s-9

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