In the event you can figure out some fair an honest way to conduct a test, I'd bet you any dollar amount that the Vector design will beat the dipole by about 2 db in every well structured distant field test. You forget how many times I've already done this and stood behind it with a 30 day money back guarantee. Care to guess how many clients requested a refund after removing a dipole and installing this antenna? None! If you were even close to right on this one, I'd be giving refunds left and right. Stop acting like a moron, you've already lost the battle.
I'll also point out that at the very close distance of 1000 meters, the dipole just may have the edge. No one installing an antenna cares about increasing the field strength at 1000 meters more than they do at 50 miles where low angle gain rules. Customers don't pay to increase their signal around the block, they pay for more range in the distance where things like collinear radiators compress the beamwidth down on the horizon.
Shockwave, if antennas operating at 50 miles, they do in Fresnel Zone, not on the horizon.
This indicates that the antennas radiate to the clouds, not the horizon.
It is highly unlikely a range beyond the 30 horizontal miles, so it is in a desert area.