What does "results for transmitting are 1" mean?
Did the SWR meter deflect at all - enough for you to adjust it for full scale?
SWR readings represent a ratio, so a theoretically "perfect" SWR would be 1:1, and that's the way you have to write it in order for it to make sense. If the pointer goes up to the "3", then it's written 3:1. It CAN'T be lower than 1:1.
Im sorry, i guess my results for TX are 1:1.
I dont quite understand your second question, im not quite up to all that vocab. so i will explain how i calibrated and used the meter.
hook up the meter between the antenna and the radio.
Set the meter switch to "FWD" and turn the radio on and set it to ch 1.
Key the mic and use the calibration knob to turn the needle all the way to the right to "SET"
Then with out un-keying the mic, set the meter to REF and get the SWR reading.
When i did that, i got a reading of 1:1 on both ch1 and ch40.