OK...not being the politically correct type, I call a spade a spade......
QRZ is only good for taking practice exams for when you want to upgrade your ticket, and call sign look ups, beyond that I would steer clear of their forums, the biggest bunch of overly opinionated, know it all assclowns I ever encountered.....
WW is on the money with 10 meters, another area you may want to explore right out of the gate is UHF/VHF. 2 meters and the 440 Mhz band are usually very active, and your tech license covers it all. I'm just getting my feet wet with the D-Star digital mode, and it's really quite interesting, and it's been a fun challenge to learn it, but even with just analog FM you'll be hard pressed to run out of fun activities on those two bands. Lot's of rag chew nets, emergency nets, like RACES, ARES, and Skywarn, swap shop nets where you might find your next piece of radio equipment all within your local area.
It's a big world out there in amateur radio, many different avenues to explore, some you'll latch onto, others you might not enjoy so much.
Dive into what your license will allow, soon you'll want to upgrade and explore even farther.....welcome to the zoo, enjoy the ride.....