I am very new to the shortwave community and would like a little advise. I am considering buying myfirst shortwave and would like to spend around 100.00, used or new. I do not know much about frequencies, bands etc. I have been looking at Grundig receivers, predominantly the yb400pe and the s350. I plan to mostly listen while at home, but traveling with my receiver could be nice. I am an avid musician and an electronics enthusiast to some degree, so options such as hooking up to my home or professional stereo would be cool. I see that the s350 doesn’t have a number pad but the yb does. Which one is considered a more “professional” device. Does the YB series lack features due to its lightweight and portability? Are there other brands (please be specific about the model too) I should consider, and why? Please shed some light!!!
Thanks a lot
I am very new to the shortwave community and would like a little advise. I am considering buying myfirst shortwave and would like to spend around 100.00, used or new. I do not know much about frequencies, bands etc. I have been looking at Grundig receivers, predominantly the yb400pe and the s350. I plan to mostly listen while at home, but traveling with my receiver could be nice. I am an avid musician and an electronics enthusiast to some degree, so options such as hooking up to my home or professional stereo would be cool. I see that the s350 doesn’t have a number pad but the yb does. Which one is considered a more “professional” device. Does the YB series lack features due to its lightweight and portability? Are there other brands (please be specific about the model too) I should consider, and why? Please shed some light!!!
Thanks a lot