There are 2 benefits to adding length over the exposed true 1/2 wavelength protruding above the 1/4 wavelength cone, to increase mid-angle radiation and elevate current at the cost of slight loss of lowest angle radiation.
In a nutshell the nv4k is an efficiently matched 1/2 wave elevated 1/4 wavelength higher than a 1/2 wavelength Gain Master, a99 and other typical bottom fed 1/2 wavelength vertical omnis.
To claim gain from additional radiated current from the cone is to elevate the negligible to significant.
Sirio have corrected the slightly flawed to significantly flawed Sigma and copies in design parameters while succeeding in producing perhaps the most poorly executed mechanical version to date, except perhaps, PERHAPS, the Saluit 7/8 which also enjoys spear-tossing it's top section in elevated wind.