to Update every one ,
the mag mount base coil finally arrived
and after waitng a good week to see if the whip would
it didnt, if anyone see's a piece of 3/4 pvc pipe
about 50 inches long in a mail truck somewhere ,
grab it for me
it could be anywhere between moleculo's and my qth
so after finally deciding that the whip is lost forever
in the bowels of the great courier system
we so affectionately call the "United States Postal Service"
and not Wanting to go "Postal"
i decided to see what i could do about coming up with a whip
i had a couple of whips ,
but a stainless steel whip at 49 inches just wasnt in my inventory
a couple of 36's and a 24 , but nothing that long
so i went to my local welding supply shop
and was given two (2) Brazing rods by my supplier
when i told him what i was using them for
soldered then together and cut it to length
while not exactly the best replacement
as it tends to bend quite a bit in the wind
the swr is good , i took it with me yesterday to work
but was in a portion of Indiana with only 2 repeaters
and less Hams :blush:
today Im headed west , towards the land of more repeaters
and living amatuer Radio operators . and hope to get
a couple of signal reports ,
i'll get some pictures up soon
73 De Rich