In the 70s, i had a 5/8 wave antenna. I seemed to have the biggest range of anyone around. today, i have an inverted v dipole at almost the same height (exact measurements not required for this theoretical chat).
IF all things were equal, what approximate distance/reach difference would there be between antennas ?
NOT looking for an engineered measured answer, just a 10-20 percent type educated guess... if thats possible.
Now for the real theory type question,,, how many watts would be required to equal any difference (I know its not a linear gain,, I know its a diminishing return/gain when just pumping in watts but,, what would you guess) ?
Every conversation with these questions in it seems to degrade into "you cant just add watts" ... etc. I KNOW. I just want to hear (and would really appreciate) what all of you experienced radio people have observed.
Let the fun begin .... !
PS - dont ban me,,, I am still curious.
IF all things were equal, what approximate distance/reach difference would there be between antennas ?
NOT looking for an engineered measured answer, just a 10-20 percent type educated guess... if thats possible.
Now for the real theory type question,,, how many watts would be required to equal any difference (I know its not a linear gain,, I know its a diminishing return/gain when just pumping in watts but,, what would you guess) ?
Every conversation with these questions in it seems to degrade into "you cant just add watts" ... etc. I KNOW. I just want to hear (and would really appreciate) what all of you experienced radio people have observed.
Let the fun begin .... !
PS - dont ban me,,, I am still curious.