The Midnight Special is better then anything palomar or Boomer make. They are class C with auto SSB delay, class B or AB would be better if you use SSB. They do get good reports though even being class C.
That said I would check into this new line of amplifiers made by X-Force.
You could run most any of the first few models. You have what is considered a low power radio. The TnT 100,250,350,400, or T800 would all work. On SSB you can run full tilt, on AM you will have to make sure your radio's dead key is set right for the amp you choose.
Another decent line of class AB amplifiers is the bulletproof line which are here. Loading...
thanks for all the help, I'm likeing the bullet proof amps, the Bullet Proof 350 Watt, With SSB, Class AB1 to be exact,
I'm also looking at a fatboy but its a class c amp and theres no ssb switch,
any advice as to which one to get??