Written by SS8541 Richard Byrd- ............................................................
SS8541 Richard Byrd
I'm not the best writer, and do not convey technical points well in my writing.
From what I've been reading, and there actually is not all that much material on the internet regarding this subject. The whole Negative Peak Limiting, Asymmetrical processing thing is not the easiest to execute properly.
It is all sound theory, and can be implemented on a limited basis, however, from what I've read, the resistor and a Diode can only accomplish NPC on a limited basis.
When done incorrectly it does make the radio louder, and gives it a shit load of "swing" at the cost of distortion. From all I've read the human ear hears distortion as making a signal louder.
I do think that when the Negative peaks are PROPERLY limited, greater intelligible weak signal can be realized, however the same thing can be done with a PROPERLY modulated "Old School" radio. that has a more conventional carrier to peak power ratio.
The thing is, just like "clipping the limiter" this mod when not done properly, ends in the same result.
I would be willing to bet the HUGE majority of NPC mods end up as some fellow tossing a few parts in a radio, no scope, nothing to even insure its even an NPC mod.
I'm purposely not going to get to deeply into theory, or even technical side of this yet. mostly because without supporting evidence, it is all just my opinion.
I will see about modding a suitable radio, and getting some pictures of the scope, etc.