First! Do it right if you have the time.
But, if you don't have the right reducer, the coax won't fit through it, then skin off a bit more outer insulation and then fit the reducer to it. Fill up that 'empty' space with glue of some kind. If nothing else, CA or 'super glue' will work, so will hot-glue. If the cable is too small for the reducer then do it like if it was the right size then fill up the gap with some of that glue. That's strictly a 'make do' thingy! The one sort of benefit to it is that the glue typically stops some moisture infiltration. No, that's not worth the effort all by it's self.
- 'Doc
(Did I think of this 'solution' all by my self? If it helps then Yes I Did. If it isn't a help then of course not, I stole it from someone. That's called a mixture of modesty and truth. Which can also be defined as B.S.)
I started to do the coax casing whittling thing but since I found the right sized reducers I was set.
Something educational
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