No need to be a sarcastic ass about it.I am much more informed about skin effect than you may realize having worked with commercial gear from AM broadcast frequencies right up to 1.7GHz systems during my 22 years in commercial broadcasting.
I was being sarcastic because I figured you knew all about it. I have read posts of yours in the past and am aware you pretty much know what you are talking about.
Not looking for a pissing match here, in fact it appears it is YOU that has taken exception to MY opinions based on real world experience. Please do not berate my findings simply because I spent more time and effort finding out WHY things occur as they do.
Perhaps I mistook the tone of one of your posts in this thread. It read to me like there was an I'm better than you attitude in your messages. My tone was as it was because you seemed to be challenging me, right up from your response to my first post in this thread. They seemed to be worded that way to me anyway. Berating findings was never my intention, as a matter of fact it seemed to me the opposite was happening. Mind you we were talking about two separate specific antenna installations built with likely two separate goals in mind.
And, just to clear things up, when it comes to time spent figuring things out, I have nothing but respect for that. I have spent quite a bit of time doing this myself. I wish I had more time and resources to put towards this, not to mention a bigger yard to play in. Unfortunately I have what I have. Just because I don't have the resources or time spent as you does not mean my goals are not the same. I was pretty much defending what I was saying from what appeared to be an attempt to berate me. I never once badmouthed you or changed away from the topic at hand.
There are a great deal of misconceptions out there regarding antennas and I refuse to believe false information simply because it is the popular way to think.
I agree with this statement 100%. As a matter of fact I am pretty sure I have written a line very similar to this one on this or another forum.
It goes along with the "proper length of coax going to the antenna" thing.
Ahh yes, the proper length of coax snake oil. I have challenged that line of thinking many time in the past on this and other forums, and will likely do it again.
I never said it had anything to do with tuning SWR purposes. I did say that many people install radials until they see 50 ohms and then leave it.
Not trying to get to far away from the op's question here, but a question. How is tuning an antenna by adding radials until it is at a 50 ohm impedance not related to tuning for an SWR match, which happens at exactly the same impedance they are adding radials to get (assuming a 50 ohm transmission line)?
Again, part of that "it's the popular way so it must be the right way" kind of thinking. I also said that was the wrong way to do it when something in the order of 35 ohms was more the target based on what the proper resonant impedance should be. As for the popularity of ground mounted 10/11m monopoles, you are correct however the antenna does not know whether the groundplane under it is ground radials, an elevated radial system, or a vehicle body. All it knows is the effectiveness of whatever is under it.
I never once claimed 50 ohms was a target, I just noted that point as an SWR match and noted how the impedance continued to drop. In that installation the antenna, which is not of proper length, and not a perfect install (admittedly), is actually at 25 ohms of impedance. This is not unheard of in mobile installations. That being said, I think you would be hard pressed to find even 1% of mobile installations that couldn't be made better in some way. Inefficiency here is the norm, and most people don't know how inefficient their setup actually is.
We are both 100% in agreement with this part.
We likely agree on far more than just this.
The DB