Could V13 also be the culprit?
Not likely. V13 operates in Class B Push-Pull and cathode to grid #1 leakage typically cancels out in Push-Pull amplifiers.
Looking at V13 you will notice there are 2 sections, pins 6, 7, and 8 which we will refer to as section "A" and pins 1, 2, and 3 which we will refer to as section "B". This type of amplifier circuit is referred to as "Class B Push-Pull".
In a Class B Push-Pull amplifier such as V13, when section "A" conducts during the first half of the audio sine wave, section "B' is not conducting. During the second half of the audio sine wave, section "B" conducts and section "A" does not conduct. This action of the Class B Push-Pull amplifier tends to cancel out cathode to grid #1 leakage hum. This does NOT mean the Class B Push-Pull amplifier will eliminate hum caused by cathode to grid #1 leakage in an earlier stage such as V12. Hum created by cathode to grid #1 leakage in an earlier stage such as V12, becomes part of the audio signal fed to the Class B Push-Pull amplifier and the output of V13, heard as hum in the speaker and in transmit, heard as hum in the transmit audio.
If the source of hum is caused by a bad electrolytic filter capacitor then the hum level would be much higher than it is
AND the hum would not disappear when receive signals were present. In addition,the audio output heard in the speaker would be "distorted".
I agree with radio11, never use old can capacitor positive tabs as mounting points for new capacitors. The same AC voltage is being applied to the old AND new capacitor's positive terminal. If the old capacitor is on the verge of shorting internally, when it shorts the new capacitor also shorts.