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On behalf of (some) amateurs I'd like to apologise...

I can't find my SWRs knob on my radio. Someone said I need to adjust my SWRs. But my radio don't have a SWRs knob. :(

Sorry. Couldn't help myself.

Oh, that's the OLD way of doing things... we use SWR spray now...


Can't get it anymore though - original supplier went bankrupt...

Works Good! Fixes just about everything wrong with Radios' these days...

swr grease.jpg
Antenna grease for the G5RV

Do you have one of those G5RV or EFHW antennas that you hear everyone 59 but no one else can hear you better than 4x1 or less?

Well, do not panic we have the solution for you.

Why not try our special 1865 antenna grease? This stuff originally came out in the early 1960s and it was developed by the Department of Defense for the armed Services from secrets obtained from German Scientists after WWII. It was mainly used in the field on handheld units, tripling their range.

It was a closely guarded secret by the Nazis and it is believed the Nazis discovered the secret during there search through Vimanas of Ancient India.

When the FCC found out some amateur radio supply outlets had purchased a Sizable quantity of the RF grease through US Army & Navy surplus Auctions, the FCC outlawed the sale of it in the US.

What the RF grease Does is make your signal slide out your antenna faster and with less friction. Because of this, you get less RF friction (hysteresis).

The Results are: lower SWR readings & increased power handling, the faster moving RF signal builds up a tremendous RF inertia, resulting in a Higher DB gain on your signal, (like a slingshot effect throwing a faster & larger signal) (typically 3.8-4.7 DB gain) and 4x the power handling capacity. Modulation & SSB benefit a whopping 6 DB gain. over an untreated isotropic dipole antenna lasts for about 6 months then, just wipe off any old grease and put some new on.
This is probably the best-kept secret in amateur radio! The guys at the shoot-out won’t tell you about this amazing secret! Triple the RF output of a 200-watt box to 600 ERP, etc... (effective radiated power) This RF grease also causes a very cool side effect if you feed over 100 watts into a treated antenna you will see a cool purplish-pink halo glowing around your antenna on key up at night, pulsating with your modulation! (not to cool for the military, this is why they stopped using it!)

Please Contact YourMaMa, LLC to purchase this amazing product
Sold Out on Back Order

Sorry, my Mama made me do it...:whistle::LOL:
All the Best
MOG , Why would you apologize ? @ Time ( When a New Member ) I realize now you were just " Stating Facts " ! (y) Was I offended @ first ? YBYA ! But I also learned knowledge comes w/ friends like you on this site ! I also try to explain this to " New Members " , if you " Can't Run w/ The Big Dog's , Stay on the Porch " ! Corny but true ! I myself want to Thank You Ham Op's for setting me Straight ! :) Stay Healthy & Safe ! " 73 " & God Bless ! Leo ! ( Where do you think I learned " 73 " from " ? :LOL: Right or wrong it came from WWDX & my friends !
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All joking aside, there is a good reason to teach real proven science, policy, and practice. My silly SWR post was only meant to illustrate how inaccurate ideas impact real experiences in radio.
I think it is always best to lead a horse to water whether it will drink or not. Ask any cowboy.
Yes! I did my part to further the Train Wreck, however, just shows some of the "crap" out there to muddy up the real-world experience and theory.
The best one for me was the old coax in a Mason jar during storms, and what's worse there are those that still think that one true. They learn quickly if they do get a Splatter hit and that jar turns into a glass grenade.
All the Best

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