I think you know that using the same radio on both ham and CB is a 'no-no'.
that would explain how so many cobra 148 gtl dx mk2's ended up converted to 10m.dollar for dollar if you can find/name a hf radio capable of outperforming a tuned 148 gtl dx on 10m i'll be very impressed.
the 148 gtl dx is still being copied/cloned nearly 3 decades after it was originally designed,i doubt very much you could claim that about any hf set,a true testament to the technical ability of the original uniden r+d dept that designed it.
as for limiting yourself by not only using cb,sounds a tad anti cb,cb has served many people well for the best part of 5 decades and is generally free of the egotistical (know it all/know f@ck all) nuggets so prevalent on the amteur bands that make many peoples lifes a misery,especially new hams.
not everyone wants to play talk 1/2 a mile on 2m walkie talkies or sit back and let their computer do their qso's for them digitally because they are so boring they have nothing interesting or factual to say.
sure ham radio has its place (albeit it has lost the plot in the technical side with the dumbing down of the tests to try to resurrect a hobby that was quite frankly dying on its @rse),but its far from the be all and end all of hobby radio communications.at least 70% of all hams cut their teeth on cb,so to knock it seems a tad hypocritical,i for one will never forget my roots.
as for snobbery of which radio you are using,i think you'll find that comes down to ego and has nothing to do with the particular merits of any radio,anyone coming out with statements like that most probably knows f@ck all about radio anyway and are best ignored,if they did know anything about radio they would know whats important is the antenna system/transmission line you use and not the radio,the difference between the performance of most radios is marginal and is purely down to personal taste,whereas the differences between antenna systems vary greatly.