What the hell does that have to do with a guy buying an oscilloscope and posting about it in the CB section of a radio forum? Oh yeah, those 22 years you walked up hill to and from work in the snow and blinding wind to work on your broacast transmitter. I'm realizing that you didn't learn anything about resonant circuits in those 22 years.What meter would you use to determine an RF signal of 50 microvolts at 1.296 GHz was indeed the proper value? It won't be a VOM or a Bird. LOL I guess I just see the difference between a CB'er wanting to peak and tune his radio and a real tech wanting to do a proper alignment on a higher end piece of gear. No disrespect meant, I am just saying.....
I still say stickying that would save you several thousand key strokes a month because then you wouldn't have to keep retyping.
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