Yes I would agree. I am super polite on the radio not as Frank as I am on internet.
Then again when I was on the CB in my early days you had Net Controllers and everything was family oriented. Trash was taken car of either with peer pressure, 20-30 good old boys or lots of letters to the FCC if it came right down to it!
You had BBQ's, T-Hunts, Bon Fires, helped each other work on cars it was a real community young and old. This was in the 1990's when I did anything more than play around with grampa's CB when I really got into my self in high school.
Then again when I was on the CB in my early days you had Net Controllers and everything was family oriented. Trash was taken car of either with peer pressure, 20-30 good old boys or lots of letters to the FCC if it came right down to it!
You had BBQ's, T-Hunts, Bon Fires, helped each other work on cars it was a real community young and old. This was in the 1990's when I did anything more than play around with grampa's CB when I really got into my self in high school.