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Pipe Line Down?

Mark Malcomb

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2019
Now I've been hearing nothing but eliminating fossil fuel. Electric is the only alternative. Some of us want to pump the brakes a bit. The large push back on " The new green deal" may have pissed off some of the over lords. Who really is the culprit in this shut down . Russia? or maybe closer to home. Guess that would teach a lesson. I never want to meet my hero's. What they say about them is soo true.
Just a thought.

The fact that this pipe line and every powerplant including the nuclear ones are physical plugged into the internet is scary. The factory that I work in has a stand alone network for the machinery for this reason.

Zero reason it should be connected. “Critical infrastructure” should mean prison time for this action of Net accessibility.

Equally big news is that the busiest commercial Interstate crossing of North Americas biggest river has been choked down to an essentially single-lane bridge at Memphis. This delay is going to accrete significantly. Sort of like the miles of lumber stacked at Canadian border rail yards, no coincidences.

None of these is what we’re being told. Lies, to cover acts of war against America by domestic enemies.

Means produce from Texas Rio Grande Valley and California. IH-40 is that route. Sorta parallels the Big Inch pipeline as the route shifts to IH-81 from Knoxville, TN to head north thru Virginia into Pennsylvania.

The beef haulers are primarily on IH-70 from Kansas. Chicken is mainly from the IH-10 & IH-20 parallel corridor out of the Deep South. Same for catfish & rice. Pork is mainly Midwestern.

Understand that there are no family farms and ranches. Not anymore. Those you believe exist are the first step of the food assembly line of the Prairies and Great Plains. Americas Factory Floor.

Dairy is not local. Tankers travel hundreds of miles to your “local” dairy. Up to 600 on an all-day run. Contributor Homer in western Arkansas drinks milk, for example, that originated from multi-hundred milking cow operations in New Mexico.

Which in their turn require truckloads of alfalfa and other inputs.

Each round-trip of that dairy tanker requires 250-gallons of diesel to have moved only a few thousand gallons of milk on a trip of that length.

“Food” equals concentrated energy inputs at every step of assembly. Of which there are 5-6 load points by every category.

Diesel matters. Not gasoline. The WWII ration was (1) gallon per family per week. Gasoline doesn’t produce meaningful economic activity. Nothing new is manufactured nor value added.

Food = Diesel. Farm tractors, railroad, and big trucks. Ergo, diesel is civilization.

This country and all others will never build the electrical capacity to sustain an electric-recharge fleet. Not cars nor trucks nor trains.

Had the threat of energy dependence been real (it wasn’t), you’d have seen new nuclear plants all over the USA to electrify the 50,000-miles of railway that the DOD classifies as critical. (Easing in dedicated electric fleets for short run would have then been easier).

A local shortage of diesel can be worked around via electrified rail (distribution). Pipelines aren’t simple, but they’re also not complicated. Same energy input would apply. Massive distribution + rationing.

The pipelines have manual controls. Computers are not required to run them. Big Inch was built in the opening days of WWII. The problem at the other end are the refineries which are complex.

Refineries take days, even weeks, to shut down and re-start. Meanwhile both crude and natural gas are backing up, Those fields can be shut off, but some will never re-start.

American cities were ethnically cleansed of the only group which produces an economic surplus lifelong. And they became faced with a far higher transportation cost versus urban-density (electric) mass transit. Societally stupid, but fits the plans of the Enemy just fine.

Kinda convenient that many will (have been) accumulating mental/spiritual/physical/economic insults lifelong. Gasoline became the lifeline ignored. The single thread by which they and their families dangle.

For want of a nail the shoe was lost . . . .

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The lower Mississippi is closed. So much for barge transport to other pipelines or railroads.

Shipping refined products by barge thru the Intercoastal Canal ain’t gonna happen And Florida has zero refineries.

refineries are maybe closer to Me-yam-ee than Port Arthur. Tanker time. Foreign-registered will get exceptions to American Maritime law. Foreign crews.


Last week houses for sale in Florida were closing within 12-hours of being on the market. Ha!
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You and the neighbors in Florida might want to invest in one of these and get to work on certification. Mobile, AL ain’t far enough any more. Need to make the Texas coast west of Houston.

Close off IH-10 at IH-95 & IH-75 and let Nature (fire & hurricane) take it’s course.


Florida has how many miles of coastline? Hard border control or non-existent? Maybe the invaders already live there. With first call on gas & diesel.

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Damn the hackers traced to New York City. Maybe I was on to something. I'm not a paranoid freak. I just want my damn country back! God Bless America!!!
P.S love the pic Elmer. That use to be my bread and butter. Now it's all digital.

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