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Please explain

Good post Mr.Switch Kit.
This low power, high swing is all new to me so I'm trying to get a handle on it in all honesty.
I guess you could say my knowledge is "old school" and I'm trying to play catch up with the modern stuff. :D
I have to say I'm impressed with the claims of the modern "export" rigs that I've seen advertised ( but take with a grain of salt), 60 to 200 + watts without the aid of a linear! I knew people who would sell their wives and/or children for one of these back in the 60's. :)
I have to admit they were fun times, we'd drive miles to the only mountain around, get up nice and high and make contacts in South America and other areas of the U.S. on 4 watts, fun times, if you had a beam and a "footwarmer" you were a "top gun", the good ol' days. :D
oh I hear you there MBM , I grew up on a 23 channel Cobra 85 Dynascan base ,(you could plug in extra crystals where the ex.speakers jack was and get a lot more funny channels ,that radio did 5 to 15 watts , off an old wilson ground plane antenna with an old beat up d-104 lolly pop (it was really all about the antenna).....that was 1986 for me ...skip was great back then , and I never had any power but the radio at the time , the funny channels surely helped me out ,but back then i could talk to guys 3000 miles away as if they were in my back yard , those were days for me !! and 10 15 minute quso's without a hitch. Made friends all over the states and a few other places else where , still have some of my old letters and q-cards in a box around here somewhere ? not bad for 5 watts huh (-: ....oh it's surely changed quite a bit MBM ....and yeah ,some of those exprt radios will do 200 watts without even trying ...amazing huh !! I'd like to think i was old school as well MBM , but i still like to mess around a little bit from time to time , it doesn't have to be perfect ,it just has to work. It's just a cb hobby for me ,no more or no less. Peace
Hey there...

I hear you...
I was in the CB craze in the late 60's though early 80's..
i remember what i thought was (and was at least aboung the best exports of its time)a great radio...my Ranger AR-3500..

in the early 80's i used to sit in my car as eating lunch and from northern nj would regularly talk to a friend in south america...
i did this for several months....

then one day after coming back in from "eating lunch"
the store manager said..
Hey...are you USA Portable 882........

AHH Ya Why?

AH Ha...thought so he said...
it has been you....

for months...when you go to lunch...
we can not uyse out phones to call people...
and people can not call us...

all we hear is you talking to someone in south america...

Now after that i was like..
Humm...ok i will park on the far side of the lot..
then had to try the far side of the lot...next door...
finally ended up at far side of a lot..a couple days later 3/8 mile

Now Thankfully.....when i returned to radio 4 yrs ago..
I learned what really is good...

Not what is simply loud and splaters..

good ole cb radio 11 meter band , those darn things splatter or cause this and that right out of there boxes on many occasions with out some qualified tech with there hands in them making them quote on quote better .......grounding and grounding and then some more , some guys i've known over the years just gave up completley on the idea. I've come to believe that the 11 meter band isnt' the cleanest of all communacations. It is what it is. You either deal with it or you don't. Good Ole CB Radio (-: I had a Clear Channel 3500 once , it was great on SSB but didn't have what I was looking for on the AM side of things )-:

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