Would you like to see comments all-allowed or totally banned on threads in the Swap & Sell Forum?
How many times have we seen folks post a $50 dollar junker and want $250 for it?
That's fodder for heckling and it's just good clean fun.
Other times known "bad dealers" post something and their previous "enemies" come out of the woodwork and start bashing.
SOMETIMES a staffer will step in and delete a single reply or issue a mild reprimand but the problem is that situation has no clear boundaries and the staff "enforcement" is uneven and arbitrary.
So how about some input leading to some new CLEAR RULES guys ?? !!
How many times have we seen folks post a $50 dollar junker and want $250 for it?
That's fodder for heckling and it's just good clean fun.
Other times known "bad dealers" post something and their previous "enemies" come out of the woodwork and start bashing.
SOMETIMES a staffer will step in and delete a single reply or issue a mild reprimand but the problem is that situation has no clear boundaries and the staff "enforcement" is uneven and arbitrary.
So how about some input leading to some new CLEAR RULES guys ?? !!