Looks great bro thanks for sharing.These are what I have in my old Suburban; a Uniden Bearcat PC68XL into a K40 4' Fiberglass antenna mounted on the R/F fender at the edge of the hood and a Yaesu FT8000R 2m/70cm into a Tucker Twin Band magnetic mount antenna stuck on the roof. The console box that contains them is a homemade box. I designed it so the radios are level with my eye to prevent glare and so that I can easily slide each radio out as needed. It is made of wood and just covered with some vinyl that is close to the same color as the interior. The external speakers really help me to hear the radios in a noisy mobile environment. The entire package is pretty much self-contained except for antennas and the power supply. For protection I keep a gray towel draped over them when not in use to keep thieving prying eyes from lusting for a pawn shop loan.
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