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POTA haters and purposeful interference.

I am Anti POTA. My experience has been that many not all POTA activators are poor operators and feel that just because they are operating portable that they have an innate privilege to:
1. self spot and take over a frequency regardless if it is in use.
2. Will activate a few KC's from an on going QSO
3. Have 2 or 3 of their buddies standing by to work the same station. "stand by for the 2nd operator" which is utter nonsense.
4. Many lie about their location.

Finally, the ARRL sponsored "POTA" to acknowledge 100th anniversary of the parks system. This was never intended to be a daily activity. It like have "Field Day" ever day of the week. FYI... fellas POTA is not a sport hi hi...
I am Anti POTA. My experience has been that many not all POTA activators are poor operators and feel that just because they are operating portable that they have an innate privilege to:
1. self spot and take over a frequency regardless if it is in use.
2. Will activate a few KC's from an on going QSO
3. Have 2 or 3 of their buddies standing by to work the same station. "stand by for the 2nd operator" which is utter nonsense.
4. Many lie about their location.

Finally, the ARRL sponsored "POTA" to acknowledge 100th anniversary of the parks system. This was never intended to be a daily activity. It like have "Field Day" ever day of the week. FYI... fellas POTA is not a sport hi hi...
Depends on what you call sport, just like any other station it is all part of the radio hobby.
They just chose to operate from a park but the goal is to make contacts.
It's popular, there are groups all over that participate in both hunting and activating POTA.
Just like contesting or some other special events it's for fun.
Actually pota that we know today "started" in early 2017 when the ARRL special event ended, by a group of volunteers that wanted to continue the fun beyond the one-year event, and POTA was born, it is perfectly legit.
It's unfortunate that something spoiled your view of the activity.
Good thing there is plenty of room on the band's to enjoy other things.....

It's too easy to feel entitled to the frequencies we use.

I'm of the opinion that anything that encourages activity on the air serves your best interest, and mine and that of every licensed ham.

Yes, contests sometimes clobber our Friday-night sked with high-school buddies. But on-air activity justifies our collective entitlement to those frequencies.

Face it, bandwidth is the next crude oil. Attempts to snatch those frequencies away for some corporate use are easier if they can claim those bands are "empty", and under-utilized public resource.

Been on a HF band lately? Coulda, shoulda, woulda.


I am Anti POTA. My experience has been that many not all POTA activators are poor operators and feel that just because they are operating portable that they have an innate privilege to:
1. self spot and take over a frequency regardless if it is in use.
2. Will activate a few KC's from an on going QSO
3. Have 2 or 3 of their buddies standing by to work the same station. "stand by for the 2nd operator" which is utter nonsense.
4. Many lie about their location.

Finally, the ARRL sponsored "POTA" to acknowledge 100th anniversary of the parks system. This was never intended to be a daily activity. It like have "Field Day" ever day of the week. FYI... fellas POTA is not a sport hi hi...
Good Grief. This is a prime example of what is known as a "First World Problem".

There are wars all over the world, kids going hungry, political and social upheavals everywhere, and you're getting your knickers in a knot over POTA ?!?!
Give your head a shake.

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