I manually tapped the sensor or switch and shorted it
Not sure which "sensor" you mean. The relay in the back between the two coax jacks, maybe? It's a switch that's operated by an electromagnet. Called a relay. When the magnet gets current, it pulls a spring-loaded contact lever down and closes the linear's operating circuits. If manually pressing that part caused an overload surge, this is a sign you have at least one failed tube. Maybe more.
If all the parts are original, don't assume all the tubes are okay. Sure, you want them to be, but the odds are not in your favor. Best of luck finding a tech with those skills. Fewer and fewer of them still around every year that goes by,
One thing we have seen more and more often the last ten years or so is that tubes that tested good on a tester will work in the linear for the first dozen keys of the mike, and then there is a "snap" sound and a blue flash from inside one tube. The surge that caused the flash permanently disables that tube. If you don't have more of them it's now dead in the water. Sometimes the surge in the one tube damages one or more of the soldered-in parts, or causes "fratricide" and clobbers another tube alongside it.
Odds are you'll also get advised to change all of the electrolytic capacitors in it. This is because the chemistry inside that type of capacitor just goes bad after a decade or two on average. Yours is closer to four decades or more old. When those parts fail, they can become a short circuit that causes further damage.
Don't know if you have ever been involved in making a 40-plus year old car back into a daily driver. Rubber parts will have to get changed from age alone. Other parts will have to be renewed based on mileage. Your linear is not so different in those respects. Doing just part of the restoration can leave you stranded on the side of the road, so to speak.
Here's a post that shows what was needed to put a Maco 300 back on the air. It's not the same as your POW, but it's roughly the same age.