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I am really tired of people coming on here after getting banned and posting that gay porn garbage and poking and prodding other forum members. I am not to happy that my 5 year old daughter saw those gay porn pictures when I clicked to read a forum thread. I think it would be a real good idea if there were pre-approved memberships so people like this cannot get on this forum. It is pretty sad that there are people like this out on the internet. It is just like CBers, You know the ones that talk a lot of garbage on the microphone but won't do anything in person because they are afraid. It amazes me how people act behind a computer or microphone when they can't be seen. Grow up and remember what you do to others always comes back at you three times worse in the end.


We do have pre-approved membership. But once you've been allowed in, there's not much you can do if someone wants to post porn, except delete it as soon as it's found which is what we try to do.
This is not the "Family" channel Forum 529 , and sure , I know what kind of cb radio operators your talking about , I think on any give day of the week , I can be one of them ,you know,the tit for tat words we radio operators can some times give one another. You feel the need to do your daddy thing ? You might think twice about having your 5 year old around your PC or your CB for that matter. I totally understand how you feel all the same. You can always expect the unexpected in either place , take note of that. Mole and the boys do the best they can to keep this place clean of the bull$hit , I have to give them cridit where cridit is due , the rest is up to you 529,your not alone dude. My better half is offended by the cb radio (which she has every right to be) it's just not her thing and her being the person that she is very, seldom subjects herself to it because to many times it's simply Trash in and Trash out. I certainly think this Forum is a lot more well behaved and moderated then what personally comes out of my cb radios receive on any day.
The only people that would post gay pr0n are either gay themselves, or not straight.
Moleculo said:
We do have pre-approved membership. But once you've been allowed in, there's not much you can do if someone wants to post porn, except delete it as soon as it's found which is what we try to do.

Pre-approved ? what does that mean, and yes this is a serious question.

pre-approved - not needing to be verified, no waiting to post.
they can allways post as a guest aswell so there is no way to
stop the children from doing what ever it is they want to do.
mole the funny thing is the same people are always let back on time and time again, now you cant tell me that you dont have a record of banned ip's ??????? whats the real story ?????
cdx781 said:
mole the funny thing is the same people are always let back on time and time again, now you cant tell me that you dont have a record of banned ip's ??????? whats the real story ?????

I know you asked Mole but I think I can help. Banning an IP is not always the answer. Lets use AOL for example, AOL uses the same IP for many many users, so if we were to ban the AOL IP of one person we may end up banning 20-30 other people.

The real funny thing is how alot of people that hate this forum always want in to see whats going on :?

Sorta like Howard Stern, "the average time a Howard Stern fan listens to the howard stern show----90 minutes,,,,,why? To see what he says next,,,,,the average time a Howard Stern hater listens to howard stern----90 minutes,,,,,why? To see what he says next,,,,,"
did anyone see private parts?

Oh, happy one, you mean AOL uses dynamic IPs? so one day I could be xxx.xxx.x.xxx and the next day i could be xxx.xxx.x.xxy, and some other day i could be xxx.xxx.x.xxz?

naturally then there could be a possibility of 10 users with the ip prefix xxx.xxx.x.xx#, or maybe even every user in the xxx.xxx.x.### block could share that prefix and be dynamically assigned any one of the 999 ending numerals?
Howard Stern: Lesbians equals ratings.

Howard Stern: I know I seem a little too old to be in College. But for this movie you've gotta suspend disbelief.

Howard Stern: I tell you, nothing makes a woman hotter than to be with an award-winning filmmaker.

Howard Stern: After all, being misunderstood is the fate of all true geniuses is it not?

Howard Stern: I'm afraid you can't say "big c0ck" on the air. That's a no-no.

Howard Stern: I am the hero of the lesbian community.

Howard Stern: They've come up with some sort of fine or something, or some sort of Notice of Apparent Liability, they're after me again, ... I don't care how many times, as long as they don't come after me personally.

And there's the rub.
limit email's to non-free services and keep track of prior users email. more and more places online wont accept aol or other isp's with dynamic ip's like that.

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