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president lincoln 2 v3


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2007
n.w pennsylvania
was wondering if anyone has tried this one. ive seen cb radio mag. review plus youtube. i loved the orignal lincoln from way back . i know use a emperior 5010. was just looking at something more modern

can it safely be used with a kl 503 without internal adjustments? just using the RF power adjustment be alright or does the lid need to come off?
I am disappointed that they did not make it at the very least 10,11 and 12 meter able. I kind of expected it to be at least as good as a chip-switched 2510 or Lincoln.

I was also disappointed with the low output. The final version of the Lincoln which I still own and use had an MRF455 in it and it was prob. the best single final radio for SSB use ever built.

I also do not like the control panel it looks cheap and feels cheap to me.

Overall I thought it was a step backwards not forwards. I am still waiting for someone to make a compact chassis radio that is as good as the RCI 2950DX with regards to coverage, ease of tuning, and performance on AM and SSB. It obviously has to cost not more then the RCI2950DX. The YetiCom is too expensive and it's user interface is too cheap and clumsy to navigate through easily and intuitively.

I wish we could get RCI to cut the length of the RCI chassis in half and just split and double stack the board or do a remote mount where only the face plate was mounted on the dash the rest of the unit could be mounted out of the way. If they made it 6m-12 with continuous tuning it would be a much better product for use globally.
I bought the lincoln 2 about a month ago and find it to be built very well. ive not ever had an original lincoln from years ago so I can't compare the two but the newer version lincoln 2 (v3) is about as good as any in my opinion. knobs are tight not loose. clean board clean audio good recieve etc. personly I think president hit a home run with this latest edition.
I was also disappointed with the low output. The final version of the Lincoln which I still own and use had an MRF455 in it and it was prob. the best single final radio for SSB use ever built.

If you double the power its only half a S point difference to the other end however it requires a lot more engineering as it needs more drive, beefier components and generates a lot more heat which needs to be dissipated. To have a meaningful gain you need to be looking at least at fourfold or more and given the plethora of linear amplifiers available that can be driven quite adequately with 25W or so, the cost/benefit ratio doesn't make it worthwhile.

Given I've done a Youtube video of the original President Lincoln on 10m managing to get a contact with a station 4155 miles away and through a pileup with just 21W, the power isn't an issue. Try using a decent antenna installed properly instead of complaining about a power difference which is effectively meaningless.
I have the original Lincoln with the chipswitch big final and fan on heat sink and external speaker jack. All done by Doc. I must say it still is one of my best radios!!!
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I've been running a Lincoln II v.3 for about 6 months and find it to be a good 10m radio. I have an HR-2510 and I find the Lincoln II to be comparable in terms of functionality and receive. It has good frequency stability, and the stock microphone provides very good transmit audio (very similar to my Astatic 575). I appreciate President adding the CTCSS capability. The receiver is decent and quieter than the RCI-2950s I have owned over the years (and quieter than the RX on my President Grant II, but my Yeticom Optima is quieter than the Lincoln II). I have tried it in the mobile, and the noise blanker/ANL work well.
My complaints are:
-stock microphone cord is too short
-volume control shuts audio off at "1" rather than "0" causing too high a volume level at it's minimum setting
-I would prefer the mode selection(AM/FM/SSB/CW/PA) be on a rotary dial (like on the original Lincoln/2510) rather than on the button which requires you to cycle through the modes
-I would prefer the tuning steps cursor be on a small button rather than be changed by pushing in on the VFO dial
-I would like to be able to tune in 5 kHz steps, as well as the 1 meg/100kHz/10kHz/1kHz/100hz steps that are available
-the internal speaker audio is not as good as it could be
-Radio should be closer to $200 USD rather than $300, but that is more likely the fault of a weak US dollar.

Over all, a decent 10m radio, but not drastically improved over the original Lincoln/2510 offer of several decades ago.
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I have a magnum s 45 that gives me some problems that I'm sending to a shop in California to get some work done and I'm thinking about buying another radio. between a yeticom and Lincoln II what would be a better radio? I really don't care for the looks of the Lincoln and the yeticom is OK. I like the style of the max log 8900 but I don't see any for sale anywhere and I see they have problems as well. I know the Yeticom is shipped from New Zealand, is there any problem getting one sent to the United States?
Does anyone know if the bugs with the CRE 8900 have been fixed. I really like the layout of that radio.
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You should be able to get the yeticom optima mk3 here in the states. They are very simple radios with not a lot of bells and whistles but is a great SSB performer. Am it does okay but it shines on SSB.
Lincoln II versus Yeticom Optima? I think it depends on your operating preferences, but like my previous post stated, the Optima receive is the nicest (in my opinion) out of the current line up of 10 meter mobile radios.
Yes, neither of these radios are "big talkers" on AM, if that is important to you. They both sound very good on SSB with the stock mics, and are very stable.
You can look at the Alinco DX-10 (CRE-8900) if you are interested in that radio. I have a friend that just got one, and it sounds pretty good with the stock mic, but oddly, did not sound good with an Astatic 575 or Cobra CA 75 mic. Never heard a radio that didn't sound better with an Astatic 575 before. The Alince (CRE) is a different animal all together, with it's programming scheme, but for me, I would put it below the Optima and Lincoln II.
The Yeticom Optima is available from US sellers on eBay.
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For me on the subject of Lincoln V Optima, the ability to use the radio on 12 meters carries more weight.
I still do not understand why president electronics failed to include 12 meters after seeing the response from the ham community to the dual band RCI offerings and the Optima.
I know that most CB/Freebanders do not see it that way, but the Lincoln/HR radios always left you wanting dual band coverage.

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